5 Mistakes You May Be Making with Your Teeth

Smiling woman with perfect teethBefore you think about running your toothbrush through the dishwasher or putting it in the microwave to disinfect it, know that it isn’t worth the hassle. We’ve all heard those stories about how much nasty bacteria is harbored in our tooth brushes, but did you know that there is no evidence that anyone has ever gotten sick from their own toothbrush. You can just give your toothbrush a good rinse under regular old tap, let it air-dry and store up right where your toothbrush isn’t touching anyone else’s brush. There are many mistakes we make in our oral care routines that we may not even notice. Let’s take a look at a few mistakes you could be making with your teeth:

Multitasking While Brushing- As we rush around in the mornings we tend to multitask, and for some multitasking may include brushing your teeth while showering or while scrolling through your emails. However, if you’re multitasking while brushing your teeth you could be doing yourself doing yourself a disfavor. It’s best to give your full attention while brushing your teeth as to make sure you’re doing a proper job and cleaning your mouth thoroughly.

Ditching Your Retainer- If you’ve had braces, as an adult or as a teen, it’s smart to keep wearing your retainer for as long as your orthodontist recommends. If you stop wearing your retainer regularly your perfect teeth will eventually start to shift, thus leaving you unhappy with your teeth all over again. Be sure to wear your retainer to your teeth in line for good.

Over Cleaning Your Toothbrush- There are many people disinfect their tooth brushes by zapping them in the microwave or by tossing them in the dishwasher, but these tricks actually aren’t needed. I know most of us have heard the horror stories about how much bacteria your tooth brush harbors, but according to the CDC there’s never been any evidence that anyone has ever gotten sick from their own toothbrush. Make sure to give your toothbrush a good rinse with regular old tap water, let air-dry and store standing upright where it’s not touching anything. Taking more drastic cleaning measures can damage your toothbrush, which defeats the purpose.

Storing Your Wet Toothbrush in Travel Case- It’s very important to store your toothbrush somewhere sanitary before you pack it away with any other luggage, and it’s equally as important to unpack it when arriving to your destination. It’s important to set your toothbrush free because bacteria thrives in moist conditions, so make sure to take your toothbrush out of its travel case to allow for it to air dry .

Skipping Dentist Appointments- Some people suffer from dental anxiety which leads them to not going to the dentist. Most times dental anxiety stems from overthinking about all of the work you may need to have done, but by avoiding the dentist altogether you will only create more dental problems in the long run. If you visit your dentist every six months for checkups, you’re less likely to run into dental problems.

If you would like to learn more about your oral health, contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 today or visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com for additional information.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.

National Dental Hygiene Month 2015 | Henderson Dentist

general-dentistry-las-vegasThis October the American Dentist Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) and the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company are teaming up during National Dental Hygiene Month for the sixth straight year. Both the ADHA and the Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program (WOHP) are motivated to increase public awareness about the important of maintaining good oral health. The focus of this year’s National Dental Hygiene Month is centered on the four components of good oral health maintenance. These four components are made up of:

  1. Brushing Twice A Day
  2. Flossing Every Single Day
  3. Rinsing With Antimicrobial Mouthrinse
  4. Chewing Sugar-Free Gum

During National Dental Hygiene Month, the ADHA, WOHP and more allied partners will work to help dental hygienists all over the country make a difference in their communities. They will offer valuable resources and product samples to dental hygienist community outreach. Make sure to visit you dentist regularly to make sure you’re in good oral health.

For more information regarding dental hygiene, contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 today or visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com to learn about the services we offer.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado, Ranch, Enterprise, Spring Valley, and all surroundings.

Traumatic Dental Injuries & What to Do | Henderson Dentist

skd284147sdcNo matter how well you take care of your teeth, you can’t prevent accidental dental injuries. There are several ways in which your teeth can become damaged, such as the breaking or chipping of a tooth. Some dental injuries can also cause for your tooth to dislodge or knock out of the socket.

In the event of trauma, where damage is caused to one or more teeth, it’s important to contact your dentist immediately. Sometimes the neighboring teeth can suffer additional, unnoticed injuries that can only be detected by a dental exam. There are various possible problems, and each have their own way of being treated. The following includes a few possible injuries and how they may be treated:

  • Chipped or Fractured Teeth- Most times a chipped or fractured tooth can be repaired by either replacing the broken piece or by bonding a tooth colored filling. If a large portion of the tooth is broken off then a crown will likely be required to restore the tooth. If the pulp is exposed or damaged a root canal treatment may be needed.
  • Dislodged Teeth- A dislodged tooth is when a tooth pushed sideways, out of or into the socket. In these sort of cases, a patient will usually require a root canal and a dentist or endodontist will focus on stabilizing the tooth.
  • Knock out Teeth- When a tooth is completely knocked out of the socket it may be able to be saved if the patient arrives to the dentist in time, and the tooth is handled properly. Do not touch the root of the tooth, and keep it moist (either in the socket, on the gum against your cheek, or in milk). Fast treatment is crucial to save the tooth, so the patient should get to the dentist immediately.

While most dental trauma is treatable, there are cases where the tooth is lost due to the nature of the damage. If you have a crack or chip in your tooth, even if you believe its minor, be sure to visit your dentist to ensure that the tooth is healthy. You don’t want to jeopardize the tooth root by neglecting to treat the chip properly.

If you have experienced trauma, that has left you with broken, chipped, dislodged or a knocked out tooth, please contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV immediately at 702-735-2755 to schedule an appointment. If you would like to learn more about our services visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Spring Valley, and all surrounding areas.

Top 5 Foods That Damage Your Teeth | Henderson Dentist

ToothacheWe all know that brushing and flossing is vital to the health of our teeth. But did you know there are some foods that can cause enough damage to your teeth that you need an extra cleaning? I’m sure you were told plenty of times as a child that candy will ruin your teeth. Many people all over the U.S. suffer from tooth decay and some of the culprits you’d never guess would affect you teeth. The following list includes the top 5 foods that damage your teeth:

  • Refined Carbohydrates- Food likes white bread, chips, pasta or crackers are processed as processed as sugars when broken down. When these sugars mix with bacteria that’s found in the mouth they create a lactic acid, which is an acid that very hard on your tooth enamel. They also stick to the grooves of your teeth, giving the food more time to build up acid.
  • Sugary Candy- Long lasting and sticky candies are the worst sort of candy for your teeth. When sucking on a hard candy it exposes your teeth to sugar and damaging acids for a longer period of time. However, while eating sticky candy the sugars are more prone to stick to your teeth.
  • Dried Fruit- Not many people would suspect that dried fruit would be hard on their teeth, but dried fruits such as apricots, prunes and pineapple can be just as damaging as candy. The chewy texture makes it easy for the fruit to stick to your teeth, giving it plenty of time to damage them.
  • Citrus- Although citrus foods are healthy and packed with vitamin C, they can also damage your teeth. Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and grape fruits are high in enamel damaging acids and sugars as well.
  • Carbonated Drink- Not only are drinks like soda and diet soda loaded with sugar, they contain carbonation and phosphorous that wear away tooth enamel. A beverage like Coke or Pepsi has around 10 teaspoons of sugar.

For more information regarding oral health, contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Spring Valley, and all surrounding areas.

Dr. Patrick Simone Acquires CS 8100 3D System – Top Quality 3D Images Mean Better Patient Care

Beautiful Girl - Close Up

Our practice is among the first to add a 3D extraoral imaging system to its office, revolutionizing patient treatment and perfecting the way the practice treats oral infections. The CS 8100 3D Extraoral Imaging System enables us to obtain low radiation dose, high-resolution, three-dimensional (3D) images, as well as panoramic images.

With the addition of this state-of-the-art 3D unit, our practice will greatly improve its level of patient care. Three-dimensional technology allows doctors to better visualize their patients’ dentition, without having to send patients for radiology scans. Viewing an unprecedented level of anatomical detail helps us diagnose more accurately and treat with confidence. The CS 8100 3D System will transform dental imaging in the same way that CT scans have changed the medical field, in terms of care through better visualization.

This unique “two-in-one” system (3D and panoramic) is well suited for dental professionals who regularly perform complex diagnostic, restorative, surgical, and endodontic procedures. The highest resolution imaging capabilities provided by this unit will enable Dr. Simone to detect lesions with more accuracy. This breakthrough technology provides unprecedented x-ray views of the oral cavity.

Periapical and panoramic radiography have been augmented by the recent introduction of high-resolution cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), allowing 3D assessment of oral lesions, canal morphology, retreatment cases, root fractures, implants, and so forth. The CS 8100 3D System uses less radiation than other systems, radiating only one small area of view at a time. Comfortable patient positioning and wheelchair accessibility make this unit patient-friendly. The system enables Dr. Simone to perform a wider range of diagnoses and treatments in the office, helping reduce multiple visits, saving patient’s time and making the treatment more affordable.


What to Expect after Dental Implant Surgery |Cosmetic Dentistry

implant diagramIf you plan to have dental implants installed, I’m sure you already know all of the benefits they will provide for you. You’ll have to go through a healing process before you get to utilize those benefits though, and before any of that healing starts to happen you will see and feel a few side effects the first week or two. The most prominent side effects will appear over the first two days, and reach the worst state on the third day. There should be no cause for concern, as these side effects are common after oral surgery.

Side Effects over the First Week:

  • Soreness- You’ll experience some soreness in your jaw and gums since the tissue had to be damaged to accommodate the dental implants. You’ll be able to help the pain with over the counter prescription pain killers, and then eventually switch to less powerful pain killer such as ibuprofen or Tylenol.
  • Swelling- It’s very common for your jaw, gums and cheeks to swell up after dental implant surgery. The swelling will typically last for about a week. You can help reduce the swelling by applying an ice pack to the affected areas for 15 minutes at a time, with 15 minutes breaks in between.
  • Bruising- Bruises may start to appear on your jaw, gums, and neck which is a result of your dental implants being installed. Any discoloration will be more noticeable once swelling does down, but the bruising should start reduce or gone by the end of the first week.

After the first or second week, your face should look and feel considerably better, and you should be able to return to your normal daily activities. If any of the side effect do start to worsen, call your dentist immediately.

If you are interested in obtaining information about dental implants, contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com for more information.

Dr. Patrick Simone also proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and all surrounding areas.

5 Benefits of IV Sedation | Henderson Dentist

Do you suffer from dental anxiety? Do you cringe at the sound of dental tools? Do you have a terrible gag reflex preventing you from visiting your dentist regularly? If you answered yes to any of these questions then IV sedation may benefit you greatly. A lot of people deal with dental anxiety, sensitive gag reflex or just general fear of the dentist, and that’s where “sleep dentistry” comes in.  Sleep dentistry includes IV sedation, and IV sedation is used to help relax and put patients at ease during a dental procedure. The following list includes a couple benefits of IV sedation:

  • IV sedations kicks in right as it’s administered and the drug dosage can be tailored to fit the patient’s needs.
  • A safe maximum level of sedation can be reached with IV sedation, as where with oral or inhalation sedation the results can be unreliable. IV sedation is both highly reliable and highly effective.
  • With IV sedation your gag reflex is likely to highly lessen in sensitivity.  If minimizing the gag reflex is the main objective, your dentist may try inhalation sedation first.
  • You are still conscious with IV sedation making it much safer that general anesthesia.
  • Your recovery time after IV sedation is usually shorter than if you did oral sedation, mostly due to the controlled drug dosage you are given.

Now that you read the five listed benefits of IV sedation maybe you’ll take that visit to your dentist for regular checkups. Remember keeping up with your oral health is very important to your overall health!

If you would like more information regarding IV sedation, contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Patrick Simone also proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and all surrounding areas.

Options for Repairing Chipped Teeth | Henderson Dentist

Teeth are extremely durable, but they can chip or break sometimes. There are many situations that can result in chipped or broken teeth, such as having cavities that weaken the tooth to sport accidents. Fortunately, there are many restorative dentistry solutions to repair damaged teeth depending on the severity of damage. Some of those solutions include the following:

Bonding- If a small portion of your front tooth is chipped, your dentist may repair your tooth with dental bonding. To bond your tooth, your dentist will roughen up the edge of it with a gel, and then your dentist will apply a solution to bond the material. After bonding material is applied the tooth is shaped and then hardened with an ultraviolet light.

Veneers- Depending on the severity of the chip, veneers may be another option for you if you have chipped or broken tooth in the front area. A veneer is a thin piece of tooth colored porcelain or resin composite material that covers the whole front of the tooth, with a thicker area where the chip is. Your dentist will remove very little natural tooth, then rough it with a gel. After that your dentist will apply a special cement and place your veneer.  Once placed your dentist will use a light to activate chemicals in the cement to harden.

Crowns- If a large piece of your tooth breaks off or if it has decay, your dentist may have to grind away some of the tooth and use a special cement to place a crown. There are many types of crowns, porcelain crowns are the most popular. It takes two dentist visits to place your crown, the first visit molds of the tooth will be taken and sent off to a dental lab to create your custom crown. During that time a temporary crown is placed. At your second appointment, your temporary crown is removed, tooth will be cleaned and your custom crown will be placed with a special cement.

If you would like more information concerning restorative dentistry, contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit our website at www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Patrick Simone also proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Rach, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and surrounding areas.

The Benefits of an Oral Rinse | Henderson Dentist


Who doesn’t love that minty fresh feeling you get after rinsing with mouthwash? Did you know your mouthwash is doing more than just giving your breath a boost? Rinsing daily with certain mouthwashes can improve your oral health. We’re talking whitening your teeth, helping to prevent gum disease and fighting plaque!

So what are the benefits of swishing daily with an oral rinse?

1)     Freshens breath – First and most obviously, mouthwash temporarily reduces bad breath. Mouthwash kills bacteria associated with causing bad breath leaving you with minty fresh breath.

2)     Prevents Plaque build-up – Various mouthwashes help prevent plaque build up on your gums, in-between teeth, and on the surface of your teeth. Although it prevents the build up of plague, it cannot reduce the plaque that already exists on your teeth. So remember to always brush and floss before plaque becomes a problem.

3)     Removes particles – Most people use mouthwash only after brushing. This is a perfectly fine practice, but used before before brushing to rinse out loose particles in your mouth will make the brushing and flossing more effective.

4)     Stop cavities from forming – Regular use of mouthwash before and after you brush and floss, you can reduce the chances of cavities forming. Mouthwashes that contain fluoride can prevent cavities and strengthen your enamel. Remember, not all mouthwashes contain fluoride. Be sure to check the label on your mouthwash before purchasing.

Of course mouthwash is not a substitute for brushing and flossing and should be used in conjunction with good oral health habits. It only takes a moment to rinse but the positive impact on your oral health is much greater. With rinsing daily you can successfully navigate around dental problems.

Make an appointment with Dr. Simone today to ensure your mouth is as healthy as it should be. Contact Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755 or www.patricksimonedds.com.

Dr. Simone also proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and surrounding areas.


Prevent Tooth Decay with 5 Easy Steps

Tooth decay is one of the common most problems seen among patients. Dr. Patick Simone DDS of Henderson, NV encourages good oral health and regular dental checkups to fight against tooth decay. The following are five tips to help prevent tooth decay.

• Fluoride Therapy: It is the delivery of fluoride to the teeth topically or systemically in order to prevent tooth decay (dental caries) which results in cavities. Fluoride Therapy delivery involves fluoride supplementation using water, salt, tablets or drops which are swallowed. Tablets or drops are rarely used where public water supplies are fluoridated.

• Brushing your teeth: Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. Brushing your teeth three times a day makes your teeth stronger.

• Regular checkups with your dentist: It is very important to seek the help of a dentist since they know a lot about it. They know what to do and where to focus on your teeth.

• Dental sealant: It is the dental treatment that consists of plastic material that covers one or more teeth, for preventing of cavities and tooth decay. Dental sealants are applied in a dentist’s office.

• Dietary snacks: It is good to limit sweet snacks as excessive intake of sweets alters’ your blood sugar. If you avoid snacks, you may be depriving your body of nutrition from food. Good snacks should include healthy proteins and fats.

Make an appointment with Dr. Simone today to ensure your mouth is as healthy as it should be. Contact Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755 or www.patricksimonedds.com.