Smoking Side Effects and How Quitting Stops Them

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates about 42.1 million people, or 18.1 percent of all adults (aged 18 years or older), smoke cigarettes in the United States. We know smoking causes many types of cancer, heart disease, aneurysms, bronchitis, emphysema and stroke. It can also agitate existing health issues like pneumonia and asthma, cause wounds to take longer to heal, and potentially disrupt the immune system. But numerous smoking side effects can influence your mouth’s health as well. Consider the following in the process of extinguishing this habit for good.

Oral Health Side Effects

Smoking’s effect on oral health includes bad breath, stained teeth and tongue, and a dulled sense of taste and smell, according to the American Dental Association (ADA) Mouth Healthy site. Because the immune system is affected, however, smokers often have weaker defenses against infections like gum disease. They may also experience slower healing times after tooth extraction or other surgical procedures. Oral cancer is another huge consideration, and it can spread to the lips, tongue, mouth and throat as long as tobacco is consumed. Salivary glands and tonsils are common sites of oral cancer.

With respect to common irritation, smokers generally have more oral health problems than non-smokers, including mouth sores and ulcers. Cavities and tooth loss are also more likely to occur, as cigarettes continue to prevent the body from fending off plaque and tarter that can build up on your teeth.


Although it may be tempting to quit smoking cold turkey, quitting can be challenging. Because of the addictive ingredients in tobacco products, there are methods to help you stop using tobacco over time, and for good. In addition to a nicotine patch, gum or electronic cigarette, consider cutting back on sugary foods that feed the bacteria cigarettes already make it harder to fight against. Talk with your dentist and physician about treatment plans you can put into effect to help you overcome this habit and keep the smoking side effects from damaging your teeth.


Once you’ve made initial steps toward trying to quit, it is vastly important to improve your oral hygiene with regular brushing and flossing. Try using a toothpaste such as Colgate Total® Advanced Whitening to improve your daily removal of plaque and stains. Plus, a whiter smile and mintier breath only makes you more motivated to stay clean.

Alongside a new oral care routine, it is strongly advised for smokers to get a professional cleaning, which follows the removal of plaque and tartar with a thorough polishing that is conducted by the dental hygienist. Without quitting smoking, of course, cleaning and stain removal only has a temporary effect. By quitting smoking, you’re giving your overall health and smile a fresh start.

For more information about Dr. Patrick Simone, call Dr. Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit

Dr. Simone also proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and surrounding areas.

Placing Dental Implants | Henderson Cosmetic Dentist

Placing dental implants is a thorough process that involves more than one step.


In order to get a dental implant, one must be qualified to receive one. You must have enough bone in your jaw to allow and implant to be placed in the jawbone and you should be free of periodontal disease. A dental professional will administer a thorough examination to determine if you are suitable for implants.

Placing the Implants

Most implants are placed using a two-step process, although some newer implants may only need one step.

The Procedures

1.)    Antibiotics are administered and pain medicine are administered to you before the procedure. Your dentist will then use local anesthesia and may off you sedation if necessary. You can be sedated by taking medicine by mouth or through an intravenous line, or IV. In order to place the implants, an incision is made in your gums to expose the bone, then a hole is drilled to place the implant. You will then be stitched. In 7-10 days, you will return to have the stiches removed, then you will have to wait several months for the bone to bond with the implant.

2.)    After the implants have integrated themselves into the bone, you will approach the second step. After being given local anesthesia, a small incision will be made in the gum to expose the implant, then a healing cap will be placed to sit above your gums.

For more information on new dental implants call Dr. Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit

Dr. Simone also proudly serves Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and surrounding areas.

Meet Dr. Simone | Henderson Dentist

After completing his undergraduate degree at St. John Fisher College, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in biology, Dr. Simone went on to graduate from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dentistry, where he earned a doctor of dental surgery degree. He then completed a residency in general dentistry at Rochester General Hospital.

Dr. Simone is an active member in the dental community, taking membership in the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, American Academy of Dental Practice Administration, American Dental Association, Nevada Dental Association, and the Clark County Dental Association. He is a Master in the Academy of General Dentistry, an accomplishment achieved by only 1% of the dentists in the United States.

Dr. Simone has spent his life practicing and perfecting advanced techniques that enable his clients to regain and maintain their quality of life and the dental health they desire. He was born and raised in Rochester New York and have been a Las Vegas resident since 1986.

For more information about Dr. Patrick Simone, call Dr. Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit

Dr. Simone also proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and surrounding areas.

Excessive Teeth Whitening | Henderson Dentist

“Your teeth can never be too white.”

Oddly enough, as the saying goes, some individuals are taking physical perfection to another level by over doing it on their teeth whitening procedures. The most widely used oral products today are whitening strips and tray-based over the counter whitening kits. While tooth whitening can be a safe and effective technique, some individuals are going above the recommendations of their dentists.

Individuals who overdo whitening techniques have noticeably “Snow White” teeth that oftentimes look unnatural. Some individuals get to the point where their teeth begin to inhibit transparent figures. Over use of whitening products will cause major tooth sensitivity and leave patients more prone to needing root canal treatments.

If you are looking for a safer, more effective form of teeth whitening, consult your dentist. They will give you an overview of certain procedures and even offer some over the counter techniques that may be used, however only if used correctly.

For more information about our   in-office teeth whitening procedures call Dr. Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit

Dr. Simone also proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and surrounding areas.

Dental Anxiety

Going to the dentist isn’t on the top of everyone’s love list, but for some individuals, the fear of sitting in a dentist office is too much to handle. Too much to the point where they avoid going to the dentist at all. In 2009, almost half of the adults in the US skipped out on going to the dentist.

Dental anxiety is a term used to describe the feeling some individuals get from going to the dentist or the thought of getting dental procedures. While anxiety levels vary in everyone, some individuals lose sleep or worry excessively about the dentist that the condition worsens every time they are faced with a new dental prospect.

If you are looking to overcome your dental anxiety, here are some tips to help you.

  • Tell Your Dentist: Odds are, your dentist understands
    exactly how you feel as they probably have other patients experiencing the same
  • Distract Yourself: While you are in the office,
    watch some television, play some music, or read a book. Anything that will help
    you get your mind off of where you are. The point is to relax yourself.
  • Medicine: If you’re still feeling anxious even
    after you’ve relaxed your mind, talk to your dentist about general anesthesia
    or nitrous oxides to help you get through your procedures.

You don’t have to be afraid anymore! Call our office to find out more about helping your dental anxiety, 702-735-2755. Visit our website at

Accepting patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.


Dental Implant Aftercare | Henderson Cosmetic Dentist

Now that your smile is rejuvenated with your new dental implant, it is essential that you following Dr. Simone’s aftercare tips:

  • Avoid hot foods and hot drinks your first day having dental implants as this could potentially damage your newly placed implant.
  • Avoid touching or disturbing the dental implant area with your finger of tongue.
  • Many patients experience swelling following their treatment. If you are experiencing minor swelling, simply apply an ice pack to the area until the swelling reduces.
  • Dental implants should be treated as natural teeth. Therefore individuals should thoroughly brush and floss after every meal to prevent plaque buildup.

Properly maintaining your dental implants is vital to your oral health. If you are experiencing any problem call Dr. Simone today for a thorough examination.

For more information about how to properly care for your new dental implants call Dr. Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit

Dr. Simone also proudly serves Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and surrounding areas.

Henderson, NV | Cosmetic Dentistry | Rembrandt® Teeth-Whitening

Are you on a tight and busy schedule? Does it feel as though you never have time for a professional teeth whitening procedure?

Thanks to the latest technology used by Dr. Simone, you can have your ideal smile in only one hour! The Rembrandt® teeth-whitening system is the most popular and convenient procedure that can make your smile up to eight shades whiter! If you are worried about looking unnatural, Dr. Simone and his skilled staff will be able to give you the exact shade of color you would like to achieve during your visit.

So how does the Rembrandt® teeth-whitening system work? The Rembrandt® whitening procedure begins when trained clinicians apply whitening gel to the surface of your teeth. This gel is used with a “Sapphire” Plasma Arc to reduce the appearance of discoloration and stains. For maximum results, Dr. Simone and his staff will apply the gel for three 15 minutes sessions for a total of 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Don’t let time and your busy schedule get in the way of receiving your ideal smile. With the Rembrandt® teeth-whitening system your rejuvenated smile is only 1 hour away. Call Dr. Simone and his staff of professionals and ask about the Rembrandt® teeth whitening procedure.

For more information about our   in-office teeth whitening procedure call Dr. Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit

Dr. Simone also proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and surrounding areas.

Henderson Dentist | Healthy Gums

general dentistry

Keeping your gums in a healthy state is a lot more important than you may think.  In addition to brushing and flossing, a healthy diet can also help you maintain healthy gums and helps in the prevention of gum disease.

By eating properly, you are providing vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for your gums and teeth, which can help keep your gums and teeth healthy.  Not everyone knows this, but Fluoride is found naturally in some foods, so by consuming them, you are effortlessly helping contribute to tooth decay prevention.  Fluoride, also found in your water supply (in most areas), can help reduce cavities by up 60%.

While on the topic of food, it is important to point out that certain foods can be very detrimental to the health of your gums and teeth.  Particularly, foods high in sucrose (also known as granulated sugar) are damaging to teeth.  Although very tasty, it is the leading cause of tooth decay.

Here are a few more ways to help keep your gums healthy:

  • Brush often – Whenever you eat, you are leaving behind bacteria in your mouth that, if left alone, can cause plaque.
  • Floss daily – It is best to floss 2-3 times a day.  Flossing is essential to getting rid of all the bacteria that is trapped between your teeth (the areas your tooth brush cannot reach).
  • Use mouthwash – Not only does it leave your mouth feeling fresh and clean, it also helps get rid of bacteria.  If you can, use it after every meal.  It is important to note that mouthwash is not nearly as effective as brushing or flossing.

If you would like more information on keeping your gums healthy and preventing gum disease, please contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit our website at

Henderson Dentist | IV Sedation – A relaxed dental visit.

Intravenous Conscious Sedation (aka “IV sedation”) is when a drug, usually of the anti-anxiety variety, is administered into the blood system during dental treatment.

What does it feel like? Will I be asleep?

A lot of dental offices and practices use terms such as “sleep dentistry” or “twilight sleep” when talking about IV sedation. This is confusing, because it suggests that IV sedation involves being put to sleep. These terms are more descriptive of deep sedation. Deep sedation isn’t commonly used, and is classified as general anesthesia (even though sedation occurs on a continuum).

In reality, you remain conscious during conscious IV sedation. You will also be able to understand and respond to requests from your dentist.

However, you may not remember much (or anything at all) about what went on because of two things:

IV sedation induces a state of deep relaxation and a feeling of not being bothered by what’s going on the drugs used for IV sedation produce either partial or full memory loss (amnesia) for the period of time when the drug first kicks in until it wears off. As a result, time will appear to pass very quickly and you will not recall much of what happened. Many people remember nothing at all. So it may, indeed, appear as if you were “asleep” during the procedure.

Contact Henderson dentist Dr. Patrick Simone to schedule your next calming, anxiety free dental visit at 702-735-2755 or visit our website at

Proudly serving Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.

Henderson Dentist |General Dentistry Improves your Smile

Dr. Patrick Simone DDS provides the following general dentistry procedures and solutions:

  • Teeth cleanings
  • Fluoride treatment
  • Gum disease treatment
  • Fillings

These general dentistry solutions will benefit your smile by allowing you to have the best oral health. Dr. Patrick Simone DDS is an expert in a variety of dental solutions that can assist you with your oral health and any dental issues. Teeth cleaning and fluoride treatment are offered to patients who are seeking a whiter and enhanced smile, while gum disease prevents the decay of teeth that can eventually lead to the loss of teeth. Fillings are essential to guarantee the strength and longevity of your teeth. For this reason, a visit to Dr. Patrick Simone DDS is essential to the health of your teeth so don’t wait and call today!

For more questions on the general dentistry procedures that Dr. Simone Patrick DDS in Henderson, NV offers call 702-735-2755 to make an appointment of visit

Dr. Patrick Simone DDS proudly serves Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and surrounding areas.