Cavities and How They Happen | Henderson Dentist

Broken tooth

Cavities are part of health and hygiene discussions from the moment we begin brushing- or throw a fit about it. Cavities are preventable and treatable; it’s important to be aware of what causes cavities and how dentists treat them.

Cavities Happen Because…

Citric acid and others weaken teeth and put enamel in danger of erosion which in turn creates crevices for bacteria to stick and become a cavity. It would be difficult to avoid citric acid, so the best thing you can do is consume water throughout the day and keep the intake of acidic foods to a minimum.

While sugar doesn’t cause cavities, like citric acid, it contributes to the likelihood you may develop one. Sugar is a harmful bacteria’s favorite food, so the longer sugar lingers on your teeth, the more likely that bacteria will begin to eat it. This weakens your enamel and creates opportunities for that harmful bacteria to hang around and cause a cavity.

Children tend to crave and eat sugary foods while doing a poor job brushing their teeth. The elderly tend to take medication that reduces the amount of saliva they produce thus reducing the neutralization properties of saliva. Drinking water throughout the day and regular dental visits can help both children and their grandparents to reduce the chances harmful bacteria may cause a cavity.

How Are Cavities Treated?

Cavities are a common occurrence and dentists have several means of treating them. Treatment options vary depending on how advanced the tooth decay has become.

Simple Decay- Fluoride treatments and fillings are viable treatment options if the cavity is in its early stages. Your dentist will apply a solution to the decaying tooth to kill harmful bacteria and place a filling where the cavity was to seal the area to prevent further decay. This is a fairly simple and painless method for cavity removal, as well as the most common treatment option.

Serious Decay- If the cavity has progressed beyond the ability for a fluoride treatment to remove the bacteria, crowns, root canals and tooth extraction are a dentist’s next line of defense. Crowns are custom coverings for decaying teeth; typically made from porcelain, they work to strengthen your effected tooth once the bacteria has been removed. If the decay reaches the inner tooth, or pulp, your dentist will remove the pulp, medicate it to clear any infection and add a filling. Tooth extraction is a last resort option when the decayed tooth is beyond restoration. Your dentist may recommend a bridge or implant for the gap.

Worried you may have a cavity? Call to schedule an appointment today at 702-735-2755 or visit us online at today.

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Tooth Decay Is Preventable | Henderson Dentist

We all do our best to try to take proper care of our teeth. We brush, we keep our dental appointments and try to avoid eating too much sugar. Unfortunately, we may still get tooth decay to develop over the span of our lifetimes. In fact, tooth decay is one of the common most problems seen among patients. The good thing is, tooth decay is preventable if we know what we need to do to prevent it. So, let’s take a moment to look at a few of the DIY ways you can help keep tooth decay at bay and great dental checkups in the future:

Fluoride therapy. Fluoride is used to help prevent cavities. Fluoride Therapy delivery involves fluoride supplementation using water, salt, tablets or drops which are swallowed.

Proper dental hygiene. Brushing and flossing properly can help prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. If you aren’t sure, ask your dentist proper technique tips.

Regular checkups with your dentist. It is very important to seek the help of a dentist as they know a lot about what to do and any areas where you are lacking.

Dental sealant. Sealant is the dental treatment that consists of placing plastic material over one or more teeth in order to prevent cavities and tooth decay. Dental sealants are applied in a dentist’s office.

Dietary snacks. We all love a sweet treat at some point in our day, but it is good to limit sweet snacks as excessive intake of sweets alters’ your blood sugar. Instead, choose snacks that also include healthy proteins and fats.

Schedule an appointment today with cosmetic and general dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Henderson and all surrounding areas.

Quick Holiday Dental Tips | Las Vegas Dentist

You may be hosting a holiday party or even have special holiday events to attend, and these festivities are most likely going to have lots of appetizing food and beverages, but as you indulge the sugars you consume could be taking a toll on your teeth. Most of us know how detrimental sugar is to teeth but during these times your oral health can slip your mind, don’t let it. While indulging in the delightful food and beverages, keep these six tips in mind so you can maintain a healthy mouth this holiday season:

Healthy routine. Always brush your teeth twice a day, for two minutes. This simple routine can make a huge difference over time.

Avoid hard candy. Not only do hard candies promote tooth decay, but the act of chewing on them can lead to a cracked or chipped tooth.

Limit chewy candies. During this time of year it’s hard not to munch on chewy candy like caramel, fudge or toffee. Just remember, sticker candies take longer to get washed away by saliva and may increase risk for tooth decay.

Stay hydrated. Be sure to drink water in between consuming sugary foods and beverages to rinse away excess sugar to decrease the chances of getting a cavity.

Teeth aren’t tools. Some people get caught up in the excitement of opening gifts that they’ll use their teeth to rip tags off new items or to bite through string. Avoid using your teeth as tools because this can cause teeth to crack, chip or break.

Dentist visits. It’s important to maintain regular preventative oral care during the holidays and throughout the entire year, so take the time to schedule an appointment.

Schedule an appointment today with cosmetic and general dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.

Dental Emergencies: They Just Happen | Las Vegas Dentist

In the event of accidental dental trauma, where damage is caused to one or more teeth, it’s important to contact your dentist immediately. Sometimes the neighboring teeth can suffer additional, unnoticed injuries that can only be detected by a dental exam. When you happen to have damage to your teeth, here is how your dentist may resolve your dental issue:

Chipped tooth. Most times a chipped or fractured tooth can be repaired by either replacing the broken piece or by bonding a tooth-colored filling. If a large portion of the tooth is broken off then a crown will likely be required. If the pulp is exposed or damaged a root canal treatment may be needed.

Dislodged tooth. A dislodged tooth is when a tooth pushed sideways, out of or into the socket. In these sort of cases, a patient will usually require a root canal and a dentist or endodontist will focus on stabilizing the tooth.

Knocked out tooth. When a tooth is completely knocked out of the socket it may be able to be saved if the patient arrives to the dentist in time, and the tooth is handled properly. Do not touch the root of the tooth, and keep it moist (either in the socket, on the gum against your cheek, or in milk).

While most dental trauma is treatable, there are cases where the tooth is lost due to the nature of the damage. If you have a crack or chip in your tooth, even if you believe its minor, be sure to visit your dentist to ensure that the tooth is healthy.

Schedule an appointment today with cosmetic and general dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.

Do You Brush Your Teeth in the Garden? | Las Vegas Dentist

Dental hygiene is important. But we all can admit – there have been times we have neglected our teeth because carrying a toothbrush with us isn’t a priority. As we wrap up National Garden Month, it is important to know that even when we don’t have a toothbrush handy, there are natural ways you can keep your teeth clean. Just turn to Mother Nature…

When it comes to foods that are good for us, we all know that fruits and veggies are the obvious choices to keeping us healthy, but they can also clean our teeth at the same time! The crispiness of the apple is strengthening your gums, while the juiciness produces saliva, clearing out the bacteria that gives us cavities. In fact, all crispy handheld fruit works similarly. The vitamin C in citrus fruit is great, and the citric acid also scours your teeth. One fruit that may surprise you as a whitening agent is the strawberry. The berries with the seeds that always get stuck in your teeth are also scrubbing them so eat up!

Vegetables are obviously good for us but an onion as a dental secret? Yes, this colorless veggie won’t stain your teeth and let’s face it, you’re also much more apt to brush your teeth afterwards. Broccoli is basically a natural toothbrush, so munching on these little “brushes” will supply your body with iron while giving a quick scrub. Celery is full of vitamins and water for saliva production and if you think about it, it’s like nature’s floss!

Schedule an appointment today with cosmetic and general dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created by visiting his website at

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding areas.

‘Tis the Season: Chocolate Candy Edition | Las Vegas Edition

If you were good this year, chances are you found some chocolate in with your holiday gifts. And December 28 is the perfect day to enjoy those chocolatey treats. It’s National Chocolate Candy Day – an entire day devoted to the yummiest of confections! Yes, I know what you’re thinking…praising chocolate isn’t a dentist’s job. But c’mon – we know that chocolate is amazing. We may even enjoy a candy bar from time to time. This is the difference between a dentist and everyone else: We are all for you enjoying the national day – just remember to take care of your teeth afterwards.

According to the American Dental Association, we should be brushing two times a day for at least two minutes, just barely the appropriate amount of time to sufficiently remove dirt from the front and back ends of the teeth. After brushing, use dental floss to get in between and hard to reach areas. Floss removes any extra food particles left in between teeth. If left untouched, those particles may turn into plaque, resulting in a higher risk for gum disease. Flossing is merely the act of wrapping a piece of string around your teeth, one by one, in order to remove any bacteria and excess material stuck between each tooth. Wrap a piece of floss around your index fingers, pull it taut between your thumb and index finger and guide the floss in between each tooth in a downward zigzag motion, gently scrubbing the spaces between your teeth that your toothbrush can’t reach. Finally, rinse your mouth with an ADA approved mouth wash to seal the cleanliness in and for a trace of fresh breath. Top off your oral hygiene with a quick check-up after the holidays are over to make sure you didn’t develop any chocolatey dental issues.

But before we go, here are a few fun facts to enjoy while you are snacking on your chocolate candy:

Chocolate Facts

  • In 1828, Dutch chemist Coenraad Van Houten invented the hydraulic press that makes it possible to remove the cocoa butter from the cacao, producing a powder and making way for the first chocolate confections.
  • In 1847 cocoa butter, cocoa powder and sugar were combined by British chocolate company J.S. Fry & Sons to produce the first edible chocolate bar.
  • Whitman’s produced the first box of chocolate.
  • Hershey Chocolate company designed a specific chocolate bar for the U.S. Army. The D ration bar was included in the emergency rations and in the packs of soldiers when the Allied troops stormed the beach of Normandy on D-Day.
  • Americans consume 12 pounds of chocolate each year.

Schedule an appointment today with Cosmetic and General Dentist Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755. Learn more about his practice and see the beautiful smiles he has created but visiting his website at

Dr. Simone proudly serves patients from Las Vegas, Henderson, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley and all surrounding ares.

Pediatric Dentistry in Henderson, NV

Dr. Patrick Simone of Henderson, NV recommends starting an oral regimen on children even before teeth appear by wiping a baby’s gums or using a baby toothbrush and water. As toddlers, it is a good time to begin brushing and flossing since teeth are in contact with each other and can begin to develop bacteria as well as plaque. Considering not all children need their teeth flossed at this age, it is a good idea to ask Dr. Patrick Simone for advice. When children reach age two, foster them to brush their own teeth, but make sure to follow up to make sure they are clean. Using fun games or a themed toothbrush can make children more willing to follow a positive oral hygiene routine.

Call us today at (702)735-2755 to learn more.

Content Received from Oral B