Top 5 Foods That Damage Your Teeth | Henderson Dentist

ToothacheWe all know that brushing and flossing is vital to the health of our teeth. But did you know there are some foods that can cause enough damage to your teeth that you need an extra cleaning? I’m sure you were told plenty of times as a child that candy will ruin your teeth. Many people all over the U.S. suffer from tooth decay and some of the culprits you’d never guess would affect you teeth. The following list includes the top 5 foods that damage your teeth:

  • Refined Carbohydrates- Food likes white bread, chips, pasta or crackers are processed as processed as sugars when broken down. When these sugars mix with bacteria that’s found in the mouth they create a lactic acid, which is an acid that very hard on your tooth enamel. They also stick to the grooves of your teeth, giving the food more time to build up acid.
  • Sugary Candy- Long lasting and sticky candies are the worst sort of candy for your teeth. When sucking on a hard candy it exposes your teeth to sugar and damaging acids for a longer period of time. However, while eating sticky candy the sugars are more prone to stick to your teeth.
  • Dried Fruit- Not many people would suspect that dried fruit would be hard on their teeth, but dried fruits such as apricots, prunes and pineapple can be just as damaging as candy. The chewy texture makes it easy for the fruit to stick to your teeth, giving it plenty of time to damage them.
  • Citrus- Although citrus foods are healthy and packed with vitamin C, they can also damage your teeth. Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and grape fruits are high in enamel damaging acids and sugars as well.
  • Carbonated Drink- Not only are drinks like soda and diet soda loaded with sugar, they contain carbonation and phosphorous that wear away tooth enamel. A beverage like Coke or Pepsi has around 10 teaspoons of sugar.

For more information regarding oral health, contact Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV at 702-735-2755 or visit our website at

Dr. Patrick Simone proudly accepts patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Spring Valley, and all surrounding areas.

Prevent Tooth Decay with 5 Easy Steps

Tooth decay is one of the common most problems seen among patients. Dr. Patick Simone DDS of Henderson, NV encourages good oral health and regular dental checkups to fight against tooth decay. The following are five tips to help prevent tooth decay.

• Fluoride Therapy: It is the delivery of fluoride to the teeth topically or systemically in order to prevent tooth decay (dental caries) which results in cavities. Fluoride Therapy delivery involves fluoride supplementation using water, salt, tablets or drops which are swallowed. Tablets or drops are rarely used where public water supplies are fluoridated.

• Brushing your teeth: Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. Brushing your teeth three times a day makes your teeth stronger.

• Regular checkups with your dentist: It is very important to seek the help of a dentist since they know a lot about it. They know what to do and where to focus on your teeth.

• Dental sealant: It is the dental treatment that consists of plastic material that covers one or more teeth, for preventing of cavities and tooth decay. Dental sealants are applied in a dentist’s office.

• Dietary snacks: It is good to limit sweet snacks as excessive intake of sweets alters’ your blood sugar. If you avoid snacks, you may be depriving your body of nutrition from food. Good snacks should include healthy proteins and fats.

Make an appointment with Dr. Simone today to ensure your mouth is as healthy as it should be. Contact Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755 or

5 Tips for Preventing Tooth Decay | Henderson, NV

The following are some tips to help you prevent tooth decay. Your teeth are very susceptible to decay if you do not take proper care of them and practice good oral hygiene.

  1. See us first to make sure your mouth, teeth, and gums are healthy before starting and whitening program.
  2. Choose one of our supervised whitening options for safety and the maximum results only we, your dental care team, can provide.
  3. Stick with your maintenance schedule to keep your smile bright. No whitening is permanent and regular professional cleaning is essential to remove stains and the tartar that can cause gum disease.
  4. Keep sweet foods, desserts, and drinks to mealtimes and brush thoroughly afterwards. It’s consumption over extended time periods that heightens the risk of decay.
  5. Acidic food and drinks can be just as harmful to your teeth as sugar. The acid erodes tooth enamel and can make your teeth sensitive, more vulnerable to cavities, and unattractive.

For more information on Preventing Tooth Decay, call Dr. Patrick Simone at (702) 735-2755 to schedule an appointment or visit our website.

Dr. Patrick Simone also proudly serves Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Enterprise, Whitney, Spring Valley, and surrounding areas.

Are your teeth damaged by decay? Inlays or Onlays might be the solution. | Henderson, NV




Inlays and onlays are frequently used to restore teeth that are severely damaged by decay or wear. They are usually applied to the chewing surfaced of the back teeth. According to Dr. Patrick Simone DDS of Henderson, NV they provide more strength than a filling and are more conservative than a full crown.

A porcelain onlay is fabricated to fit your tooth precisely and is bonded tightly in place to strengthen and protect the damaged tooth. Like a crown, an onlay covers and protects the tooth’s biting surface. Where a crown covers the entire tooth, an onlay fits inside the tooth cusps and covers only the biting surfaces. Because an onlay is fabricated in a dental laboratory, it takes two or more appointments to restore a tooth with a porcelain onlay.

If you have damaged teeth that are ruining your smile and oral health, contact Dr. Simone for an appointment today. Call 702-735-2755 or

5 Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay | Henderson, NV

Tooth decay is one of the common most problems seen among patients. Dr. Patick Simone DDS of Henderson, NV encourages good oral health and regular dental checkups to fight against tooth decay. The following are five tips to help prevent tooth decay.

• Fluoride Therapy: It is the delivery of fluoride to the teeth topically or systemically in order to prevent tooth decay (dental caries) which results in cavities. Fluoride Therapy delivery involves fluoride supplementation using water, salt, tablets or drops which are swallowed. Tablets or drops are rarely used where public water supplies are fluoridated.

• Brushing your teeth: Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. Brushing your teeth three times a day makes your teeth stronger.

• Regular checkups with your dentist: It is very important to seek the help of a dentist since they know a lot about it. They know what to do and where to focus on your teeth.

• Dental sealant: It is the dental treatment that consists of plastic material that covers one or more teeth, for preventing of cavities and tooth decay. Dental sealants are applied in a dentist’s office.

• Dietary snacks: It is good to limit sweet snacks as excessive intake of sweets alters’ your blood sugar. If you avoid snacks, you may be depriving your body of nutrition from food. Good snacks should include healthy proteins and fats.

Make an appointment with Dr. Simone today to ensure your mouth is as healthy as it should be. Contact Dr. Simone at 702-735-2755 or

Preventing Periodontal Disease – Henderson, NV

Dr. Patrick Simone in Henderson, NV would like to give you some advice on preventing periodontal disease. Did you know it only takes 24 hours for plaque that is not removed from your teeth to turn into calculus (tartar)? Daily home cleaning helps control plaque and tartar formation, but those hard to reach areas will always need special attention.

Once your periodontal treatment has been completed, Dr. Patrick Simone will recommend that you have regular maintenance cleanings (periodontal cleanings), usually four times a year. At these cleaning appointments, the pocket depths will be carefully checked to ensure that they are healthy. Plaque and calculus that are difficult for you to remove on a daily basis will be removed from above and below the gum line.

Some steps to prevent periodontal disease Dr. Patrick Simone will discuss with you are:

~ Examination of diagnostic X-rays (radiographs): Essential for detection of decay, tumors, cysts, and bone loss. X-rays also help determine tooth and root positions.

~ Examination of existing restorations: Check current fillings, crowns, etc.

~ Examination of tooth decay: Check all tooth surfaces for decay.

~ Oral cancer screening: Check the face, neck, lips, tongue, throat, cheek tissues, and gums for any signs of oral cancer.

~ Oral hygiene recommendations: Review and recommend oral hygiene aids as needed. (Electric toothbrushes, special periodontal brushes, fluorides, rinses, etc.)

~ Teeth polishing: Remove stain and plaque that is not otherwise removed during tooth brushing and scaling.

Good oral hygiene practices and periodontal cleanings are essential in maintaining dental health and keeping periodontal disease under control! Remember that prevention is the best treatment, however if you feel you need help preventing periodontal disease, do not hesitate to give Dr. Patrick Simone at (702)735-2755 and schedule an appointment that can save your smile.